Vaasa Car and Motor Museum, Bicycle department 2020
Pictures from exhibition from 2020. Oldiest bike is hi-wheeler from 1885 Singer Challenger. Other bikes from beginning of 1900 Ivanhoe from Chicago US with 1/2" chains. Oldiest from Finland are Sukkela from Louhivuori. One ladies bike from 1917 which brand is unknown but licence plate is from 1917 and original owner was Konttoristi Jussila.
In the vitrins there is old bike lights and other spare parts.
Large head badge collection is also visible in the show. There is more than 50 different badges from bikes manufactured in Vaasa and surraundings.
In the vitrins there is old bike lights and other spare parts.
Large head badge collection is also visible in the show. There is more than 50 different badges from bikes manufactured in Vaasa and surraundings.